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In the Light of Truth

The Grail Message


Kiadó: Alexander Bernhardt Publishing Co.
Kiadás helye: Vomperberg
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Vászon
Oldalszám: 1.061 oldal
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 21 cm x 14 cm
ISBN: 3-87860-127-1
Értesítőt kérek a kiadóról

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his book will bring disquiet into many circles; it faces each individual with the decision of his life. For this Message blares forth like a fanfare right into the present time, ruthless, adamant and relentless in the logic of its thought-development. It answers with all clarity the unsolved questions of human existence. The recognitions mediated with this book are so immense that they force the unprejudiced reader to ponder, investigate and go forward.
Many a person who has hitherto drifted along, and allowed things to take their course, perhaps with the view that there is nothing he can do about it, may well be alarmed. He might be seized with fear at what he has neglected and what seems to be lost. Yet he who still bears within him even one spark of good volition will be led by this Message to the joyful recognition of new, clear paths through the entire Creation. Amazed, man learns the enormous importance of his existence in this Creation, and what power is at his command,... Tovább


his book will bring disquiet into many circles; it faces each individual with the decision of his life. For this Message blares forth like a fanfare right into the present time, ruthless, adamant and relentless in the logic of its thought-development. It answers with all clarity the unsolved questions of human existence. The recognitions mediated with this book are so immense that they force the unprejudiced reader to ponder, investigate and go forward.
Many a person who has hitherto drifted along, and allowed things to take their course, perhaps with the view that there is nothing he can do about it, may well be alarmed. He might be seized with fear at what he has neglected and what seems to be lost. Yet he who still bears within him even one spark of good volition will be led by this Message to the joyful recognition of new, clear paths through the entire Creation. Amazed, man learns the enormous importance of his existence in this Creation, and what power is at his command, which he has heedlessly overlooked, and whose effect turns against him and destroys him if he does not make use of it and guide it to the good.
Anyone who is not afraid to hft the veil where today still lie for him the great enigmas of life will gain from this book, as from no other, rich benefit in abundance. For him it will become the living Grail Message.
.bd -ru-shin's civil names are Oskar Ernst Bernhardt. He was born on 18th April 1875 in Bischofswerda, Saxo-
After a commercial training Abd-ru-shin began his literary activity while still a young man. This often led him to foreign countries. In 1915 he was interned in England. Released in 1919, he first went to Dresden, later to Bavaria and in 1924 began to write the first lectures of the Grail Message. In 1928 he settled on Vomperberg in the Tyrol. Therehe wrote the Work "In the Light of Truth", the Grail Message. Exiled from Austria in 1938 by the Nazis, he died on 6th December 1941 in Kipsdorf (Erz-gebirge).
His living knowledge is no earthly learnedness. He draws it from purest and highest Sources. As every work allows conclusions to be drawn about its author and as he thereby reveals himself, so the personality of Abd-ru-shin is to be recognised from his Work. Vissza


Abd-Ru-Shin műveinek az Antikvarium.hu-n kapható vagy előjegyezhető listáját itt tekintheti meg: Abd-Ru-Shin könyvek, művek
Megvásárolható példányok
In the Light of Truth In the Light of Truth In the Light of Truth In the Light of Truth

A védőborító szakadozott, elszíneződött, foltos, kopott. A lapélek foltosak.

15.000 ,-Ft
75 pont kapható