* the capítal ez\ty-k
The City of Washington, D.C., bearing the honored name of its prime founder, George Washington, has been the seat of the United States Government since 1800. Carved from lands once inhabited by Indians, the site on the Potomac was selected and dedicated as the Federal City under President Washington's direction.
In 1800 the City had but 372 houses, sheltering a totál population of 3,000. Only five Government departments then existed—State, Treasury, War, Navy, and Post Office—with 137 clerks. What vast changes and growth have occurred during those intervening eight score years!
The City was originally laid out following in generál the plan of Major Pierre Charles L'Enfant, illustrious engineer, artist, and patriot. To L'Enfant's imagina-tive design Washington City today is indebted for its wide avenues, spaciousness, charming vistas and promenades, and other distinguishing features. L'Enfant's tomb is in Arlington National Cemetery.
Washington is today...
* the capítal ez\ty-k
The City of Washington, D.C., bearing the honored name of its prime founder, George Washington, has been the seat of the United States Government since 1800. Carved from lands once inhabited by Indians, the site on the Potomac was selected and dedicated as the Federal City under President Washington's direction.
In 1800 the City had but 372 houses, sheltering a totál population of 3,000. Only five Government departments then existed—State, Treasury, War, Navy, and Post Office—with 137 clerks. What vast changes and growth have occurred during those intervening eight score years!
The City was originally laid out following in generál the plan of Major Pierre Charles L'Enfant, illustrious engineer, artist, and patriot. To L'Enfant's imagina-tive design Washington City today is indebted for its wide avenues, spaciousness, charming vistas and promenades, and other distinguishing features. L'Enfant's tomb is in Arlington National Cemetery.
Washington is today one of the world's most beautiful capitals. Not only is it the center of the National Government, but alsó it has become a great cultural, educational, and scenic center, with its museums, art galleries, libraries, institu-tions, shrines, churches, parks and monumental buildings. Increasing millions of visitors from all parts of the world are attracted here each year, including large numbers of students and school groups, who find knowledge, enjoyment, and in-spiration in this fair city w+iere so much American history has been made.
This picture book is a sampling of a few of the places that every visitor to Washington should see. It is not intended to be a guidebook, but an album to help the visitor to enjoy and remember a few highlights of the Capital City and its environs.