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A Source Book in the History of Psychology

Kiadó: Harvard University Press
Kiadás helye: Cambridge
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Ragasztott papírkötés
Oldalszám: 636 oldal
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 20 cm x 13 cm
ISBN: 0-674-82411-3
Értesítőt kérek a kiadóról

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A Source Book in the History of Psychology
Richard J. Herrnstein and Edwin G. Boring, editors
This collection reproduces 116 excerpts from the papers of 84 of the great figures in the history of psychology, from Epicurus (ca. 300 B.c.) to Karl S. Lashley (1929). The Times Literary Supplement calls it "An exceptional compilation. . . . Not only does it provide students with , selections from important sources which they almost certainly would not otherwise read ^ but it whets the appetite to search further in the early literature of many topics of contemporary psychological interest. . . . This book is an admirable collection which does great credit to the judgment of its editors."
"More than a quarter of the articles are translated into English for the first time. A fine, wellrbalanced contribution to the history of psychology."—ScienÎf/îc Amenca/i
"This is without any question the best, and perhaps the onjy really good, selection of primary material relevant to... Tovább


A Source Book in the History of Psychology
Richard J. Herrnstein and Edwin G. Boring, editors
This collection reproduces 116 excerpts from the papers of 84 of the great figures in the history of psychology, from Epicurus (ca. 300 B.c.) to Karl S. Lashley (1929). The Times Literary Supplement calls it "An exceptional compilation. . . . Not only does it provide students with , selections from important sources which they almost certainly would not otherwise read ^ but it whets the appetite to search further in the early literature of many topics of contemporary psychological interest. . . . This book is an admirable collection which does great credit to the judgment of its editors."
"More than a quarter of the articles are translated into English for the first time. A fine, wellrbalanced contribution to the history of psychology."—ScienÎf/îc Amenca/i
"This is without any question the best, and perhaps the onjy really good, selection of primary material relevant to thé history of experimental psychology. Psychology's historical documents are in very large proportion in languages other than English, and many of them have not been translated. Herrnstein and Bpring have made their selection on the basis of importance rather than of availability in translation."—Sci^wce
Ricliard J. Herrnstein is Professor of Psychology at Harvard University. The late Edwin G. Boring was Edgar Pierce Professor of Psychology at Harvard University. Vissza
Megvásárolható példányok
A Source Book in the History of Psychology A Source Book in the History of Psychology A Source Book in the History of Psychology A Source Book in the History of Psychology A Source Book in the History of Psychology A Source Book in the History of Psychology A Source Book in the History of Psychology A Source Book in the History of Psychology

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