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Teachers and Teaching

Kiadó: Penguin Books Ltd
Kiadás helye: Harmondsworth
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Ragasztott papírkötés
Oldalszám: 206 oldal
Sorozatcím: Penguin Science of behaviour
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 18 cm x 11 cm
ISBN: 14-080064-6
Értesítőt kérek a kiadóról
Értesítőt kérek a sorozatról

A beállítást mentettük,
naponta értesítjük a beérkező friss
A beállítást mentettük,
naponta értesítjük a beérkező friss


'Psychology is now a part of innumerable courses, throughout all levels of higher education Up to now, reading lists have tended to consist... of weighty, expensive and rapidly obsolescent volumes____The Penguin science of behaviour is going to blow this whole unsatisfactory situation sky-high within a fairly short time.' Higher rducation Review The quality of an educational system depends first and foremost on what happens inside the classroom - in particular on the behavioural skills of the teachers themselves, their relationships with both individuals and with classes, their ability to motivate pupils and their over-al! 'management' of classroom activity. Yet, while we lavish time and money on curriculum work and the school environment, we pay astonishingly little attention to this crucial area of research and knowledge. Teachers and teaching is a unique attempt to draw together empirical evidence on the behaviour of teachers in four main areas: training; teachers' roles and... Tovább


'Psychology is now a part of innumerable courses, throughout all levels of higher education Up to now, reading lists have tended to consist... of weighty, expensive and rapidly obsolescent volumes____The Penguin science of behaviour is going to blow this whole unsatisfactory situation sky-high within a fairly short time.' Higher rducation Review The quality of an educational system depends first and foremost on what happens inside the classroom - in particular on the behavioural skills of the teachers themselves, their relationships with both individuals and with classes, their ability to motivate pupils and their over-al! 'management' of classroom activity. Yet, while we lavish time and money on curriculum work and the school environment, we pay astonishingly little attention to this crucial area of research and knowledge. Teachers and teaching is a unique attempt to draw together empirical evidence on the behaviour of teachers in four main areas: training; teachers' roles and Professional relationships; classroom motivation; and communication and assessment. In particular, it should be obligatory reading for the staff of colleges of education. .. . Quite apart from their practical significance, the interrelations of attitűdé and behaviour between teachers and taught are of great psychological interest, l^e aufhors of this book are to be congratulated . ..' Times Educatiuna! Supp/ement Vissza


Megvásárolható példányok
Teachers and Teaching Teachers and Teaching Teachers and Teaching Teachers and Teaching Teachers and Teaching Teachers and Teaching

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