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A key to Africa


Kiadó: Mainstream Publishing
Kiadás helye: Edinburgh
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Varrott keménykötés
Oldalszám: 513 oldal
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 24 cm x 16 cm
ISBN: 0-906391-99-7
Megjegyzés: Néhány fekete-fehér illusztrációval.
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JONAS SAVIMBI: A KEY TO AFRICA by Fred Bridgland Events of recent years have thrust Jonas Savimbi, leader of the UNITA movement in Angola, into the forefront of world média attention. His visit to Washington át the invitation of President Reagan clinched US government support for his cause almost at the same time as his troops were capturing yet more European hostages and marching them the length of Angola to prove how powerful his movement is. The controversial and charismatic Savimbi has been described as "magnetic" by the International Herald Tribüné and as a "Gucci Revolutionary" by The Sunday Times. In Jonas Savimbi: A Key To Africa award-winning journalist Fred Bridgland provides much more than a biography of the UNITA leader; he alsó portrays in vivid detail the changing face of Africa in generál and Angola in particular. The book concerns a country which has been described as Africa's Vietnam. Angola is the centre of a conflict which has seen major involvementby two... Tovább


JONAS SAVIMBI: A KEY TO AFRICA by Fred Bridgland Events of recent years have thrust Jonas Savimbi, leader of the UNITA movement in Angola, into the forefront of world média attention. His visit to Washington át the invitation of President Reagan clinched US government support for his cause almost at the same time as his troops were capturing yet more European hostages and marching them the length of Angola to prove how powerful his movement is. The controversial and charismatic Savimbi has been described as "magnetic" by the International Herald Tribüné and as a "Gucci Revolutionary" by The Sunday Times. In Jonas Savimbi: A Key To Africa award-winning journalist Fred Bridgland provides much more than a biography of the UNITA leader; he alsó portrays in vivid detail the changing face of Africa in generál and Angola in particular. The book concerns a country which has been described as Africa's Vietnam. Angola is the centre of a conflict which has seen major involvementby two foreignarmies- South Africa's and Cuba's-and financial and weapons support from countries as diverse as the Soviet Union, USA, China, Francé, Britain, Saudi Arabia, Morocco and Israel. Jonas Savimbi is a leading player on this bloody stage of blurred ideologies. This is an important book about an important war, the outcome of which will decide much of the future of Africa. Vissza


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A key to Africa A key to Africa A key to Africa
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