Th s volume concludes the chronicle of the House of Wang, whpse early struggles on the land are described in The Good Earth and whose rise to affluence is traced in Sons. Wang the Tiger, the fiery youth of the preceding volume, has become the reactionary fatlier whose tyranny his son Yuan seeks to escape. Yuan, represent-ing the bridge between the old and the new Ghina, denies the march of progress for his father's sake, completes his studies in America where we get an interesting sidelight on a modern China-man's view of American manners, religion and morals, and returns to Ghina where he finally attains fulfilment in the revolutionary movement of his own people. He is one of Mrs. Buck's most interesting characters, moved by the stir of modernism but never wholly able to shake off his allegiance either to the soul or to the traditions of his ancestors.
Dieser Román beschlieBt die Trilogie der Geschichte des altén vornehmen Geschlechtes der Wang. Pearl S....
Th s volume concludes the chronicle of the House of Wang, whpse early struggles on the land are described in The Good Earth and whose rise to affluence is traced in Sons. Wang the Tiger, the fiery youth of the preceding volume, has become the reactionary fatlier whose tyranny his son Yuan seeks to escape. Yuan, represent-ing the bridge between the old and the new Ghina, denies the march of progress for his father's sake, completes his studies in America where we get an interesting sidelight on a modern China-man's view of American manners, religion and morals, and returns to Ghina where he finally attains fulfilment in the revolutionary movement of his own people. He is one of Mrs. Buck's most interesting characters, moved by the stir of modernism but never wholly able to shake off his allegiance either to the soul or to the traditions of his ancestors.
Dieser Román beschlieBt die Trilogie der Geschichte des altén vornehmen Geschlechtes der Wang. Pearl S. Buck, die meister-liche Kennerin und Deuterin fernöstlicher Welt, schenkt ihrem Helden Yuan, Sohn des altén Tigers, einem intelligenten wachen Studenten die Begegnung mit Amerika. Zwar liebt der aufge-schlossene lernbegierige Yuan sein Land, aber er glaubt dem Zwang der altén Traditionen entfliehen zu müssen. In der neuen Welt atmet er endlich Freiheitsluft. In überscháumender Jugend-kraft stürzt er sich in das Erlebnis des Unbekannten, bis ihn gerade dieses Erlebnis weckt. In kluger Einsicht erkennt er nun sein Land, kehrt nach dem altén China zurück, gereift, mit neuem Blick für
Schönheit, Wert und Tiefe seines Volkes.
Ce volume met le point final á une vaste et belle trilogie oü nous est relatée toute la chronique de la maison des Wang. Ce Wang le Tigre que nous avons connu dans Sons, fougueux adolescent, est devenu ici un pere réactionnaire á la tyrannie de qui veut échapper son fils Yuan. Celui-ci va terminer ses études aux États-Unis, ce qui nous vaut une description intéressante des maniéres, de la religion et des moeurs américaines vues par un Chinois moderne. Puis il rentre en Chine oű il atteint le point culminant de sa vie au cours du mouvement révolutionnaire de son propre Peuple. Avec ce dernier román, Pearl Buck, écrivain de race que réoccupent tous les grands problémes de la vie humaine, nous a donné la digne terminaison de deux précédents volumes dont le :cés a été mondial.