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A History of Hungary


Kiadó: Corvina Press
Kiadás helye: Budapest
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Vászon
Oldalszám: 676 oldal
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 23 cm x 15 cm
Megjegyzés: Fekete-fehér és színes térképekkel, fotókkal. További kapcsolódó személyek a könyvben.
Értesítőt kérek a kiadóról

A beállítást mentettük,
naponta értesítjük a beérkező friss
A beállítást mentettük,
naponta értesítjük a beérkező friss






Written by members of the History Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences under the editorship of Ervin Pamlényi, this book describes the history of Hungary and the Hungarians from the tenth century B.C. to the present day.
The chapters are arranged chronologically and grouped according to historical periods; in general they offer a detailed account of the subject viewed from four angles—the actual historical events, politics, economics and culture.
The main periods of Hungarian history dealt with are: the two millennia preceding the conquest of the territory of modern Hungary at the end of the ninth century A.D.; the establishment of the Hungarian state; the development and prevalence of feudalism; the country torn into three parts— Transylvania, the parts under Turkish occupation and Habsburg-ruled Hungary; unification of the country under the House of Habsburg; the anti-Habsburg movement of the "Kuruc" and the freedom struggles led by Ferenc... Tovább


Written by members of the History Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences under the editorship of Ervin Pamlényi, this book describes the history of Hungary and the Hungarians from the tenth century B.C. to the present day.
The chapters are arranged chronologically and grouped according to historical periods; in general they offer a detailed account of the subject viewed from four angles—the actual historical events, politics, economics and culture.
The main periods of Hungarian history dealt with are: the two millennia preceding the conquest of the territory of modern Hungary at the end of the ninth century A.D.; the establishment of the Hungarian state; the development and prevalence of feudalism; the country torn into three parts— Transylvania, the parts under Turkish occupation and Habsburg-ruled Hungary; unification of the country under the House of Habsburg; the anti-Habsburg movement of the "Kuruc" and the freedom struggles led by Ferenc Rákóczi; the reform movements for bourgeois progress and the 1848-9 Revolution and War of Independence; the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy and the First World War; the Hungarian Soviet Republic of 1919; the inter-war period and the Second World War; the liberation of the country in 1945 and the subsequent twenty years.
The authors have aimed in the first place at presenting the most essential historical facts and processes and they have made a detailed presentation whenever it was deemed necessary. The volume meets the requirements of both the general reader and the scholar who wants to study the history of Hungary more closely. The book's value is enhanced by the fact that the history of Hungary forms an organic part of the history of Eastern and Central Europe.
This work of 649 pages comes complete with biographies, chronological table and bibliography.
Illustrations include 92 plates and 16 maps of which 4 are in colour.
The following authors and experts contributed to ' -
this volume:
I ¦ ' •
LÁSZLÓ MAKKAI Doctor of Historical Sci- , . '
ences, scientific collaborator of the History Institute [
of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, specializing I /
in the later period of feudalism in Hungary
ISTVÁN BARTHA, who died recently. Doctor /
of Historical Sciences, scientific collaborator of the ;
History Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, an expert in the Hungarian Reform Era and the 1848-9 Revolution and War of Independence EMIL NIEDERHAUSER Doctor of Historical Sciences, scientific collaborator of the History Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, specializing in the history of Eastern Europe in the nineteenth century !,
PÉTER HANÁK Candidate of Historical Sciences, department head in the History Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, specializing in the history of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy >
ZSUZSA L. NAGY Candidate of Historical Sciences, scientific collaborator of the History Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. She has published several works on the history [
of the bourgeois democratic revolution and the I ^ .
Soviet Republic in Hungary r .
GYÖRGY RÁNKI Doctor of Historical Sci- I , ,
ences, Deputy Director of the History Institute of ¦
the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, an expert in f/
economic and social history, specializing in the f
history of Hungary between the two world wars V
IVÁN T. BEREND Doctor of Historical Sci-ences. Professor of Economic History at the Karl s
Marx University of Economics in Budapest, who /
published a series of important works on the Í'
comparative economic history of Hungary and ll .
Eastern Europe j , .
MIKLÓS LACKÓ Candidate of Historical / : :
Sciences, department head in the History Institute of I, ' ^
the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, specializing in j. , ' í j /
the social and cultural history of Hungary in the ^ ; ' ' , / / '
twentieth century Sfv ' . v ' ' / ',
ERVIN PAMLÉNYI Editor of a pe- íÍ' , ' ' , , ' J'
riodical dealing with subjects of the historical ' ' ( ' ? '!If
sciences, and editor of several comprehensive works fc . f , 7 - ' J '' ' ( ¦ / Vi
on Hungarian history fe; ' / • ' ^ • I' -i-,'
Megvásárolható példányok
A History of Hungary A History of Hungary A History of Hungary A History of Hungary A History of Hungary A History of Hungary A History of Hungary

A védőborító szakadozott, a lapélek foltosak.

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22 pont kapható