[Current Affairs/Popular Culture]
What's going on in the worid today? Are Americans being toid the full story? In this amazing book you'll learn hard facts that will open your eyes and minds to a very different world than the one we've been sold by the media:
There are 27 million slaves in the world today
Ninety-four percent of the world's executions in 2005 took place in just four countries: China, Iran, Saudi Arabia and the USA
People in industrialized countries eat between fourteen and fifteen pounds of food additives every year
n Nearly half of Americans believe aliens have landed on Earth
^ Black men born in the US today stand a one in three chance of going to jail
n Landmines kill or maim at least one person every hour
C Every week, an average of 54 children are expelled from American schools for bringing a gun to class
^ Children living in poverty are three times more likely to suffer a mental illness than children from wealthy families
These are just a few of the...
[Current Affairs/Popular Culture]
What's going on in the worid today? Are Americans being toid the full story? In this amazing book you'll learn hard facts that will open your eyes and minds to a very different world than the one we've been sold by the media:
There are 27 million slaves in the world today
Ninety-four percent of the world's executions in 2005 took place in just four countries: China, Iran, Saudi Arabia and the USA
People in industrialized countries eat between fourteen and fifteen pounds of food additives every year
n Nearly half of Americans believe aliens have landed on Earth
^ Black men born in the US today stand a one in three chance of going to jail
n Landmines kill or maim at least one person every hour
C Every week, an average of 54 children are expelled from American schools for bringing a gun to class
^ Children living in poverty are three times more likely to suffer a mental illness than children from wealthy families
These are just a few of the shocking, sickening and sordid facts about our world today. In this powerful book the BBC's Jessica Williams presents us with crucial information that is often missed, glossed over or hidden by the government and the media.
50 Facts That Should Change The World just might be the most important book you read this year. Every issue is simply presented with explanation and analysis backed by thorough references.