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24 Hours in Cyberspace - CD-vel

Photographed on one day by 150 of the world's leading photojournalists


Kiadó: QUE Macmillan Publishing
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Kötés típusa: Fűzött kemény papírkötés
Oldalszám: 224 oldal
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 29 cm x 25 cm
Megjegyzés: Színes és fekete-fehér fotókkal. CD-melléklettel.
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Ten years ago, it was llic rcal[ii of rcsearclicrs. Today, millions of ordinary people all over ihe world are riishini; to "gel wired." Who arc llicse people? I low and why do they u.sc cyhcrspacc? I low is lliis digital rcvoliilion changing llic way they work, pl.iy, learn, anil condiict hiisines.s? What clicci docs cyhcrspacc have on their personal livc.s, ihcir linancial lives, and their relalionships with family and fricnd.s? And what iKciipations, indiistric.s, and arl forms have already hccn crcatcil in cyhcrspacc that would have been hard lo ilcscrihc only live years ago?
On Tchriiary 8, 14%, Rick Smolan, Icnnifcr l-rwltt,and Ihc team responsible for Ihc bcst-sciling Day hi the Life hooks .set mil to crcatc a one-day "digilal snap.shol" of the people who.sc lives arc being dramatically Iranslormcd by the wave of online Icchiiology sweeping over thcin.
The 24 Hitiirs in Cybcripucc: /'i////(//ii; on lln- Wnlls of ihc DijliUil (.'(Mr live publishing event was the... Tovább


Ten years ago, it was llic rcal[ii of rcsearclicrs. Today, millions of ordinary people all over ihe world are riishini; to "gel wired." Who arc llicse people? I low and why do they u.sc cyhcrspacc? I low is lliis digital rcvoliilion changing llic way they work, pl.iy, learn, anil condiict hiisines.s? What clicci docs cyhcrspacc have on their personal livc.s, ihcir linancial lives, and their relalionships with family and fricnd.s? And what iKciipations, indiistric.s, and arl forms have already hccn crcatcil in cyhcrspacc that would have been hard lo ilcscrihc only live years ago?
On Tchriiary 8, 14%, Rick Smolan, Icnnifcr l-rwltt,and Ihc team responsible for Ihc bcst-sciling Day hi the Life hooks .set mil to crcatc a one-day "digilal snap.shol" of the people who.sc lives arc being dramatically Iranslormcd by the wave of online Icchiiology sweeping over thcin.
The 24 Hitiirs in Cybcripucc: /'i////(//ii; on lln- Wnlls of ihc DijliUil (.'(Mr live publishing event was the largest ever tii take placc online. On a single day, I.SO professional pholoioiirnali.sls, armed with hoth film and digital camcras, caplmvd how cyhcrspacc is affccting people around the world. I'rom the 2()(),(K)0 photiigrapiis transmitted lo iho project's Mi.ssion (Aintrol hcadc|uartcrs, Ihc best were choscn and published on Ihc 24 I lours in (.^ybcrsi^ucc wchsitc. Here, in this hook, arc many of the stories and phiitii-graphs that chronicic the state of this llcdgling technology as It appeared on Fchruary 8, 199(i.
On these pages you'll illscovcr how cyhcrspacc is hccominga placc whore humanity gathers to meet, romancc, di.scuss, buy, and .sell. You'll meet coiiplcs who have logged on and fallen in love, aiul doctors who u.sc the Internet to hring medical relief to patients, .sometimes continents away. You'll meet di.sahlcd students in Thailand who call their electronic hullclin hoard The I'lying Whcclchair. In Malaysia, you'll .see hinv wildlife rangers arc tracking elephants using global positioning .satcllitc.s. In ligypl, you'll learn hinv an online education projcct is allowing students .S,()()() miles away to work alongside archcologists as they unearth ancicnt treasures.
Million.s of people aroimd the world participated In this projcct on I'chruary 8. 'This hook and the enclosed Clollcctor's Hdltion ('I)-ROM, which contains the entire 24 I lotus in Cyhcrspacc website, is the fir.st digital lime capsulc of life in the brave new world of cyberspace.
You will be guided through 24 Hours in Cyberspace by special maps with colored dots indicating where the photos were taken. The last page of this book lists the Internet addresses associated with the photographs.
This extraordinary book is the result of an unprecedented one-day event that brought together the world's top photographers, editors, programmers, and interactive designers to create a digital time capsule of online life.
Produced by Rick Smolan, creator of the Day in the Life books and the groundbreaking CD-ROM Passage to Vietnam, 24 Hours in Cyberspace features more than 200 of the most compelling photographs culled from 200,000 images taken on that day. The book presents an intimate and emotional portrait of the people whose lives have been dramatically affected by the online revolution.
Forrest Sawyer, ABC-TV's "Nightline"
"Let's be honest about this. For all the talk these days about cyberspace, most of us still have a close, personal, electronic relationship with maybe our television and telephone and stereo. Even figuring out something like email is more than we want to tackle. So when an international group of journalists and photographers, computer freaks and engineers banded together to demonstrate how the communication revolution really is changing the world, we figured we'd better be there. "It all happened yesterday—information from every continent beaming instantaneously into one single point, where it was recorded and cataloged and marked for eventual packaging into a book and CD-ROM. It is marketing and entertainment to be sure, but it is also a remarkable spectacle, a small glimpse at a world being born, one that resembles nothing ive
have ever seen before." Vissza



Eileen Matthews Hansen

Eileen Matthews Hansen műveinek az Antikvarium.hu-n kapható vagy előjegyezhető listáját itt tekintheti meg: Eileen Matthews Hansen könyvek, művek
Megvásárolható példányok
24 Hours in Cyberspace - CD-vel 24 Hours in Cyberspace - CD-vel 24 Hours in Cyberspace - CD-vel 24 Hours in Cyberspace - CD-vel 24 Hours in Cyberspace - CD-vel 24 Hours in Cyberspace - CD-vel 24 Hours in Cyberspace - CD-vel


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