"Each new edition of 1001
Ways to Market Your Books
is doomed from the minute
it enters my house. For each
book that we publish, I go
through John's book page
by page, customizing our
marketing plan and
getting new ideas on
each page. When I'm
done with it, half the
pages are dog-eared and
marked up and the spine
is cracked in a million
places. But this book has
helped my books to get
featured on Oprah, and in
USA Today, the Wall Street
Journal, Parade, and in 100s
of other media."
— Lisa Rogak,
Williams Hill Publishing
"Staggering. No one tells the
author these things — not
the publisher, not the writer's
rep. Just John Kremer."
— John Robert Marlow,
novelist, Nano
" the single best reference
for authors and book pub-
lishers I have ever read. This
should be on the bookshelf
of every author, publisher,
and bookseller who really
wants a successful book."
— Alexander Petrochenkov,
Moscow, Russia
"I used this book here in
Australia and...
"Each new edition of 1001
Ways to Market Your Books
is doomed from the minute
it enters my house. For each
book that we publish, I go
through John's book page
by page, customizing our
marketing plan and
getting new ideas on
each page. When I'm
done with it, half the
pages are dog-eared and
marked up and the spine
is cracked in a million
places. But this book has
helped my books to get
featured on Oprah, and in
USA Today, the Wall Street
Journal, Parade, and in 100s
of other media."
— Lisa Rogak,
Williams Hill Publishing
"Staggering. No one tells the
author these things — not
the publisher, not the writer's
rep. Just John Kremer."
— John Robert Marlow,
novelist, Nano
" the single best reference
for authors and book pub-
lishers I have ever read. This
should be on the bookshelf
of every author, publisher,
and bookseller who really
wants a successful book."
— Alexander Petrochenkov,
Moscow, Russia
"I used this book here in
Australia and created a
#1 national non-fiction
bestseller — all at the tender
age of 22 and unemployed!"
— Bret Kelly
"I read 1001 Ways to Market
Your Books and it was
everything and more that
anyone could expect to help
sell books. I am on every
talk show with my books,
and my books have been
reviewed by many includ-
ing the Chicago Tribune,
Playboy, and Redbook.
You are to be credited with
that. The Mont el Williams
Show is one program I do
ten times a year alone and
I just taped another show
several days ago."
— Joseph Culligan, author,
You, Too, Can Find Anybody
"I self-published my book,
Pastor, We Need To Talk!
How Congregations and
Pastors Can Solve Their
Problems Before It's Too
Late. The one reference
book I kept coming back to
and using as an authoritative
standard was John Kremer's
book. If you do not market
your self-published book
you will never, never be
heard of and if you don't use
Kremer's book as a guide
for excellence in market-
ing, the only autograph
i you may be signing is
^ the death certificate of
your book. Live, learn,
and succeed. Don't taste, but
devour Kremer's book."
— Dennis J. Hester
"Right before I went to my
first publishing job interview
with Addison-Wesley, I read
it from cover to cover, and
got the job. Over the years,
it's been the only book that
I've purchased multiple
copies of to give to my
employees. I recommend
it highly, and I'm quite
sure that even the most
experienced publishing
person will find all sorts
of great ideas in it."
— David L. Rogelberg,
Studio B Literary Agency