Personal particulars, qualifications, studies | 5 |
Family, relatives, relationships, appearance | 12 |
Daily routine, meals, housework evening occupations | 18 |
Family occasions; birthdays, namedays, weddings, anniversaries, Christmas, Easter, public holidays | 27 |
Children and their upbringing; looking after them, rewarding, punishing and educating them | 32 |
The area where you live, your town and the immediate surroundings | 40 |
Your house/flat, rooms and furnishings | 50 |
JOBS | |
Places of work, occupation, position, bosses, colleagues, atmosphere at work, working conditions, working time, chances for promotion | 66 |
Kinds of jobs, career prospects, unemployment, income and taxation | 75 |
Meals in the home, eating habits, recipies | 83 |
Eating at a restaurant; pubs, inns, taverns, bars, cafeterias, self-service restaurants; tipping, healthy diet, food shortage, vegetarianism | 94 |
Shopping, ttypes of shops, clothing, fashion | 102 |
Hairdresser's, dressmaker's, garage and other services; at the post office; telephone calls | 115 |
At the doctor's, illnesses, symptoms, in hospital | 122 |
Sports and Games | 134 |
Climate and weather, seasons, crops, clothing | 143 |
Public transport, traffic in towns, directions, problems of city traffic | 150 |
Driving a car, traffic offences, accidents, types of roads, traffic signs | 157 |
Going out, theatres, concerts, musical instruments, cinemas, films | 165 |
Television, radio, video, music, newspapers, libraries, books, writers | 175 |
Hobbies, clubs, self-education, language learning | 188 |
Travelling by train/plane/ship/coach | 196 |
Holidays, preparations for a journey, travelling abroad, at the customs, at the hotel | 209 |
Geography, population, language, system of education, types of schools, careers | 219 |
Politics, economy, places of interest, Budapest, Balaton, sights | 228 |