A gripping epic növel of sexual obsession and betrayal, the harboring of deadly secrets and triumph of an enduring love against the hardest of times. Nikolei is a Polish/Ukrainian Jew who finds himself fighting in the Wehrmacht, then turning against them in 1945 to save a battle-scarred Prague. Nikolei manages to hide himself among the Germans with a woman working as a prostitute. "Almost everything in the narrative is true," says British-born author and film director Stephen Weeks, although "during those confusing times toward the end of World War II, nothing and no one is quite as they seem."
"An absolute corker a triumph."
— Frank Delaney, Növel ist and Broadcaster
"Stephen Weeks' Daniela is serious histoiy written as an historical növel. From its hero/narrator's believable boyhood in the Ukraine to an epic, painful description of the Battle of Stalingrad, it moves swiftly but credibly to Nazi-occupied Poland's 'Fortress Breslau' (alias Wroclaw) and Bohemia-Moravia's Prague...
A gripping epic növel of sexual obsession and betrayal, the harboring of deadly secrets and triumph of an enduring love against the hardest of times. Nikolei is a Polish/Ukrainian Jew who finds himself fighting in the Wehrmacht, then turning against them in 1945 to save a battle-scarred Prague. Nikolei manages to hide himself among the Germans with a woman working as a prostitute. "Almost everything in the narrative is true," says British-born author and film director Stephen Weeks, although "during those confusing times toward the end of World War II, nothing and no one is quite as they seem."
"An absolute corker a triumph."
— Frank Delaney, Növel ist and Broadcaster
"Stephen Weeks' Daniela is serious histoiy written as an historical növel. From its hero/narrator's believable boyhood in the Ukraine to an epic, painful description of the Battle of Stalingrad, it moves swiftly but credibly to Nazi-occupied Poland's 'Fortress Breslau' (alias Wroclaw) and Bohemia-Moravia's Prague 'Protectorate' via double-dealing kinky sex, the machinations of Barrandov Stúdiós under Hitler into the best account yet written in English of how a Stalin-hating Soviet generál, A.A.VIasov, captured by the Germans, förmed a renegade army under Wehrmacht auspices that turnéd on its sponsors and liberated much of Prague in May 1945. Weeks' portrait of Vlasov as a tragic humán figure is the most complete and verifíably accurate that I've read and sheds light on an embarrassing wartime chapter that was conveniently 'forgottén' by both sides in the Cotd War. Daniela is a good read and a class act."
— Alan Levy, Editor-in-Chief, The Prague Post and author of Nazi Hunter: The Wiesenthál File.
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