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Foundations of Pakistan's Political Economy

Towards an Agenda for the 1990s

New Delhi
Kiadó: SAGE Publications
Kiadás helye: New Delhi
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Vászon
Oldalszám: 301 oldal
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 23 cm x 15 cm
ISBN: 81-7036-301-2
Megjegyzés: További szerzők a kötetben.
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Of related interest
Foundations of India's Political Economy
Towards an Agenda for the 1990s
Edited by
Subroto Roy and William E. James
'The book deals with various facets of Indián society as it has evolved over the past forty years or so, particularly from the onset of planning since April 1951. The economic scenario has been dealt by scholars like T.N. Srinivasan, Amaresh Bagchi, K. Subbarao, Anil Deolalikar and B.R. Tomlinson. The political aspects have been developed by scholars of the fame of James Manor, Paul Brass and Bhagwan D. Dua The most sensational piece comes from no other than Milton Friedman The editors deserve immense credit The book begins with a brilliant introduction This volume deserves high com-mendation.'
The Hindustan Times
'Designed specifically to initiate debate on long-run issues of political and economic significance for India, this book will command attention of political scientísts, economists, sociologists, planners and bureaucrats'.... Tovább


Of related interest
Foundations of India's Political Economy
Towards an Agenda for the 1990s
Edited by
Subroto Roy and William E. James
'The book deals with various facets of Indián society as it has evolved over the past forty years or so, particularly from the onset of planning since April 1951. The economic scenario has been dealt by scholars like T.N. Srinivasan, Amaresh Bagchi, K. Subbarao, Anil Deolalikar and B.R. Tomlinson. The political aspects have been developed by scholars of the fame of James Manor, Paul Brass and Bhagwan D. Dua The most sensational piece comes from no other than Milton Friedman The editors deserve immense credit The book begins with a brilliant introduction This volume deserves high com-mendation.'
The Hindustan Times
'Designed specifically to initiate debate on long-run issues of political and economic significance for India, this book will command attention of political scientísts, economists, sociologists, planners and bureaucrats'.
Business Standard
Pakistan was founded, somewhat abruptly and through political fiat, only in 1947. Hence, it began with neither an effective political organization nor clearly defined sym-bols of national unity. Despite these weak foundations, Pakistan has forged a remarka-ble record of economic growth and indus-trialization coupled with an effective and high profilé foreign policy. Yet, the future looks bleak unless the country is able to tackle the numerous problems which beset it, including deep-rooted structural imbalances, ethnic divisions, wasteful military expenditure and a rapidly growing population.
The eleven originál essays comprising this volume address thesecritical issues from the thoughtful perspective of several disciplines.
In their Introduction, the editors offer a con-troversial interpretation of the paradox of Kashmir, drawing upon economic theory, philosophy and history. The five essays comprising Part I diseuss the historical origins of Pakistan, its external and internál politics, and the role of the administration. This sets the stage for the economic discussion con-tained in the next secáion which deals with recent macroeconomic policy and perfor-mance, the agricultural and industrial sectors, humán resources, education, and in-ternational trade.
Interdisciplinary in nature and presenting diverse points of view, this volume provides an in-depth and provocative discussion of the political economy of contemporary Pakistan and outlines an agenda for the decades ahead. It is intended to stimulate a debate on long-.term issues of political and economic significance for Pakistan and will command the attention of economists, political scien-tists, sociologists, planners and adminis-trators. Vissza


Megvásárolható példányok
Foundations of Pakistan's Political Economy Foundations of Pakistan's Political Economy Foundations of Pakistan's Political Economy Foundations of Pakistan's Political Economy Foundations of Pakistan's Political Economy

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