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Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine

Companion Handbook

New York
Kiadó: McGraw-Hill Book Company
Kiadás helye: New York
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Ragasztott papírkötés
Oldalszám: 864 oldal
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 17 cm x 10 cm
ISBN: 0-07-08108-x
Megjegyzés: Néhány fekete-fehér ábrával.
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A beállítást mentettük,
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HARRISON'S PRINCIPLES OF INTERNÁL MEDICINE, 12/e COMPANION HANDBOOK Jean D. Wilson, M.D., Eugene Braunwald, M.D., Kurt J. Isselbacher, M.D., Róbert G. Petersdorf, M.D., Joseph B. Martin, M.D., Ph.D., Anthony S. Fauci, M.D., Richárd K. Root, M.D.
"With it one can quickly learn a great deal of clinical information . .
—Annals of Internál Medicine review of previous edition
Featuring the authority of the world's leading textbook of internál medicine, the HARRISON'S COMPANION HANDBOOK summarizes the di-agnosis and treatment of all disorders com-monly seen in the clinical setting. And it fits in your medical coat pocket.
You'll review the signs and symptoms of disease, the most common diseases and disorders by system, psychiatric and dependency disorders, adverse drug reactions, medical emergencies, lab values, and much more.
Plus, this new edition of the COMPANION HANDBOOK includes expanded information on ther-apeutics and is cross referenced to the HAR-RISON TEXTBOOK.
In the... Tovább


HARRISON'S PRINCIPLES OF INTERNÁL MEDICINE, 12/e COMPANION HANDBOOK Jean D. Wilson, M.D., Eugene Braunwald, M.D., Kurt J. Isselbacher, M.D., Róbert G. Petersdorf, M.D., Joseph B. Martin, M.D., Ph.D., Anthony S. Fauci, M.D., Richárd K. Root, M.D.
"With it one can quickly learn a great deal of clinical information . .
—Annals of Internál Medicine review of previous edition
Featuring the authority of the world's leading textbook of internál medicine, the HARRISON'S COMPANION HANDBOOK summarizes the di-agnosis and treatment of all disorders com-monly seen in the clinical setting. And it fits in your medical coat pocket.
You'll review the signs and symptoms of disease, the most common diseases and disorders by system, psychiatric and dependency disorders, adverse drug reactions, medical emergencies, lab values, and much more.
Plus, this new edition of the COMPANION HANDBOOK includes expanded information on ther-apeutics and is cross referenced to the HAR-RISON TEXTBOOK.
In the clinical setting you need quick, concise, reliable medical information. Find that information in the only pocket companion you'll need— the HARRISON COMPANION HANDBOOK. Vissza


Megvásárolható példányok
Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine

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9.800 Ft
4.900 ,-Ft 50
39 pont kapható
Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine

A borító kissé töredezett, a lapélek foltosak.

9.800 ,-Ft
78 pont kapható