A beállítást mentettük, naponta értesítjük a beérkező friss kiadványokról
A beállítást mentettük, naponta értesítjük a beérkező friss kiadványokról
There is, in this strange and beautiful new play... a moment when the ^ author crosses the boundaries of naturalism and the seaside sands of Salonika are literally parted and the dead past rises to life,' (Nicholas de Jongh, Guardian) Salonika, joint winner of the 1981 George Devine Award, had its world premiere at the Royal Court Theatre Upstairs in August 1982. 'the best to arrive in London in months.' (Robert Cushman, Observer) LOUISE PAGE was born in London in 1955 and at the age of five moved to Sheffield where she now lives. She read Drama and Theatre Arts at Birmingham University and, in 1979, she became Yorkshire Television's Fellow in Drama and Television at the University of Sheffield. Her stage plays include Want-Ad (Birmingham Arts Lab, 1977; ICA, 1979); Lucy (Bristol New Vic Studio, 1979); Tissue (Birmingham Repertory Theatre, 1978; ICA, 1978; adapted for Radio 4,1979); Hearing (Birmingham Repertory Theatre, 1979); Flaws (Sheffield University Drama Studio, 1980);...
There is, in this strange and beautiful new play... a moment when the ^ author crosses the boundaries of naturalism and the seaside sands of Salonika are literally parted and the dead past rises to life,' (Nicholas de Jongh, Guardian) Salonika, joint winner of the 1981 George Devine Award, had its world premiere at the Royal Court Theatre Upstairs in August 1982. 'the best to arrive in London in months.' (Robert Cushman, Observer) LOUISE PAGE was born in London in 1955 and at the age of five moved to Sheffield where she now lives. She read Drama and Theatre Arts at Birmingham University and, in 1979, she became Yorkshire Television's Fellow in Drama and Television at the University of Sheffield. Her stage plays include Want-Ad (Birmingham Arts Lab, 1977; ICA, 1979); Lucy (Bristol New Vic Studio, 1979); Tissue (Birmingham Repertory Theatre, 1978; ICA, 1978; adapted for Radio 4,1979); Hearing (Birmingham Repertory Theatre, 1979); Flaws (Sheffield University Drama Studio, 1980); Housewives (Derby Playhouse, 1981, a Radio/Theatre production) and Salonika (Royal Court Theatre Upstairs, 1982). Her work for radio and television includes Saturday, Late September (Radio 4,1978); Agnus Dei (Radio 4,1980); Peanuts (GTV, 1982, in the 'Crown Court' series) and D.I.Y. in Venice (Central Television, 1982). METHUEN'S NEW THEATRESCRIPTS series aims to close the gap between the appearance of new work in the theatre and its publication in script form, and to make available new or unconventional work which might otherwise not appear in print. 'The prospect of a playwright being published as well as seen is not as rosy these days. It's therefore a welcome sight to find Methuen launching a cheap, accessible, easily readable series of paperbacks.' Steve Grant, Time Out
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