A beállítást mentettük, naponta értesítjük a beérkező friss kiadványokról
A beállítást mentettük, naponta értesítjük a beérkező friss kiadványokról
THE NEED FOR A NEW SCHEME OF THINGS Maim strldes in scíeoce, applied throogh the árts of technology and modern managemmt, have given us the keys te unlock a truly golden age in humán history. And in somé ways they have. Yet, with the ooroycopia of matéria! wealth and knowiedge that has characterized the last two centuries, the keys we forge seem increasingly to be those to Pandoras hox rather than to a golden age. How to construct a new scheme of things? TAPPING HUMÁN POTENTIAL We need large organizations, both public and priváté, and we need the kind of management that can attract and keep the best and brightest of our young people to work in them. The modern business enterprise is an institution that already works exceedingiy well, although it faces major new challenges as societal values change, manpower needs shift, and a new wave of internationa! competition opens. Studying ways to use proven business principles in society in both resouroe aliocation and innovation and to...
THE NEED FOR A NEW SCHEME OF THINGS Maim strldes in scíeoce, applied throogh the árts of technology and modern managemmt, have given us the keys te unlock a truly golden age in humán history. And in somé ways they have. Yet, with the ooroycopia of matéria! wealth and knowiedge that has characterized the last two centuries, the keys we forge seem increasingly to be those to Pandoras hox rather than to a golden age. How to construct a new scheme of things? TAPPING HUMÁN POTENTIAL We need large organizations, both public and priváté, and we need the kind of management that can attract and keep the best and brightest of our young people to work in them. The modern business enterprise is an institution that already works exceedingiy well, although it faces major new challenges as societal values change, manpower needs shift, and a new wave of internationa! competition opens. Studying ways to use proven business principles in society in both resouroe aliocation and innovation and to infuse markét principles into public bureaucracies can be useful only as we struggle toward a workable system. The goal is to "get ríght the role of both business and government in our society and to build a new relationship between them, so that our native humán creativity and imagination can be let loose upon our societal problems. MOVING TOWARD THE FUTURE We are living in an age when technology outpaces our ability to deal with it on a morál and societal basis. Advances in biology and medicine challenge our definitions of life and death, while revolutionary technology in the form of computers and communications raises entirely new questions and makes traditional policy assumptions irrelevant. And through this strange new age we proceed without an overarching vision or purpose. Without an acceptable societal vision of what it is we want, all our splendid science will only lead us closer to a chaotic and menacing future. -John Diebold defirtes the terms in which others debate the issues in Making the Future Work
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funkcionális cookie, amely a szolgáltatás igénybe vételét teszi az Ön számára könnyebbé és gyorsabbá
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