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The Great U-Turn

De-industrializing Society

Kiadó: Green Books
Kiadás helye: Hartland
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Varrott papírkötés
Oldalszám: 217 oldal
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 20 cm x 13 cm
ISBN: 1-870098-01-3
Megjegyzés: Fekete-fehér illusztrációkkal.
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The Great U-Turn De-indu$trializing Society EDWARD GOLDSMITH Cartoons by RICHÁRD WILLSON This book brings together a number of the essays that have made Edward Goldsmith a respected, if sometimes controversial, figure in the forefront of the environmental movemenl He argues here that economic progress is the cause of the problems that confront our industrial society for which it is supposed to providé a panacea. He illustrates this by looking at education, unemployment, health, pollutiony war and the conflict between society and the state. He shows that economic progress can offer technological solutions but these are effective only against technological problems. Against social, biological and ecological problems, technology can do littley except at best to mask their symptoms. It followSy therefore, that if our system cannot solve our ever-worsening ills, then we have no choice but to change it Our basic humán needs can be satisfied on a sustainable basis only if we develop a very... Tovább


The Great U-Turn De-indu$trializing Society EDWARD GOLDSMITH Cartoons by RICHÁRD WILLSON This book brings together a number of the essays that have made Edward Goldsmith a respected, if sometimes controversial, figure in the forefront of the environmental movemenl He argues here that economic progress is the cause of the problems that confront our industrial society for which it is supposed to providé a panacea. He illustrates this by looking at education, unemployment, health, pollutiony war and the conflict between society and the state. He shows that economic progress can offer technological solutions but these are effective only against technological problems. Against social, biological and ecological problems, technology can do littley except at best to mask their symptoms. It followSy therefore, that if our system cannot solve our ever-worsening ills, then we have no choice but to change it Our basic humán needs can be satisfied on a sustainable basis only if we develop a very different kind of society. Thisy Edward Goldsmith suggests, means abandoning our present goal of increasing economic wealth, which is alsó becoming more difficult to achieve, and recreating real wealth in our social> biological and ecological well-being. Vissza



Edward Goldsmith

Edward Goldsmith műveinek az Antikvarium.hu-n kapható vagy előjegyezhető listáját itt tekintheti meg: Edward Goldsmith könyvek, művek
Megvásárolható példányok
The Great U-Turn The Great U-Turn The Great U-Turn The Great U-Turn

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5.940 Ft
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