
kiadvánnyal nyújtjuk Magyarország legnagyobb antikvár könyv-kínálatát

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Ignacy Jan Paderewski

Ignacy Jan Paderewski

Róla szól
Kiadó: Centrum Miedzynarodowej Wspólpracy Kulturalnej Instytut Adama Mickiewicza
Kiadás helye: Varsó
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Tűzött kötés
Oldalszám: 23 oldal
Sorozatcím: Portraits
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 28 cm x 24 cm
ISBN: 83-88814-12-5
Megjegyzés: Színes és fekete-fehér fotókkal, reprodukciókkal.
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A beállítást mentettük,
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The Ada/m Mickiewicz InstUute is a national, lon-fröfií cultura] institution Ihat was established by the Minister of Culture in consul tation with Ihe Min isler of Foreign Affairs. The objective of the Institute is to supporl the a^tivities of Polish cultural diplomacy and to create effective methods of promotion of the country through its culture. The statutory obligation of the Institute is to ensure that more and more audiences are reached world-wide with information ancl materials on Poland. The target group consists of the intellectual elite of all countries, Polish. ianguage and literature schoiars, artists and cultural institutions, who mm Íestabtish relations with Polish artists. The "Gloser to Poland" progfimme, lich the Institute created, is an effective and efficient system of dfMribution ui information and materials on the country. The goal ^f the Institute is to bring Poland to th^ w^rld's^ttention, with its tradition that is ingrained in the Kuropean tradi tipif:... Tovább


The Ada/m Mickiewicz InstUute is a national, lon-fröfií cultura] institution Ihat was established by the Minister of Culture in consul tation with Ihe Min isler of Foreign Affairs. The objective of the Institute is to supporl the a^tivities of Polish cultural diplomacy and to create effective methods of promotion of the country through its culture. The statutory obligation of the Institute is to ensure that more and more audiences are reached world-wide with information ancl materials on Poland. The target group consists of the intellectual elite of all countries, Polish. ianguage and literature schoiars, artists and cultural institutions, who mm Íestabtish relations with Polish artists. The "Gloser to Poland" progfimme, lich the Institute created, is an effective and efficient system of dfMribution ui information and materials on the country. The goal ^f the Institute is to bring Poland to th^ w^rld's^ttention, with its tradition that is ingrained in the Kuropean tradi tipif: Polish tradition has played an important role in th^d#Mopment^p/uropean tradition and today Poland exists side by side wiUi the coui^pTof the European Union. The Institute achieves its goal by orgamrffii governmental promotional project^ by gathering and^making av|il?me to all interested parties promotiorml nlaterials, such ás pubü^ions, films, records, exhibitions, and by workijjp together with Polish diplomatáé representatives/institutions. The Institute does not sponsor individual cultural undertakings, but rather executes its own promotional projects based on agreements with its partners .- if' ' .'¦ iú' - " ^ í-íi. and within its statutory activities, as well as the activities delegated to it by the Polish Ministry of Culture and National Heritage or commissioned to it by the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. . m Vissza
Megvásárolható példányok
Ignacy Jan Paderewski Ignacy Jan Paderewski Ignacy Jan Paderewski Ignacy Jan Paderewski Ignacy Jan Paderewski

A borító enyhén kopott, sérült.

2.480 Ft
1.240 ,-Ft 50
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