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Play of the Hand

Introduction to Bridge

Kiadó: American Contract Bridge League
Kiadás helye: Memphis
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Spirál
Oldalszám: 362 oldal
Sorozatcím: ACBL Bridge Series
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 22 cm x 18 cm
ISBN: 0-943855-12-8
Értesítőt kérek a kiadóról
Értesítőt kérek a sorozatról

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naponta értesítjük a beérkező friss
A beállítást mentettük,
naponta értesítjük a beérkező friss






Audrey Grant and the Ameri-/ cprh Conti;Lict Brid^g^ League have 'I
i^^^H worked together to produce a se- i bridge books for new play-. errand e>^erienc^ play^ who /
Would like to review the basics and-^ improve their games.
^^^B Audrey Grant, a Canadian ed-/ , ^Kf ¦ upator an/l world/famous/bridge/
I y B teacher, calls herself "an authority
f T on simplicity." She has an uncan-
n)^nack for teaching pe^le to / rtfi/y^ P^y bridge, the most popular^
mM^^ZS game on the planet.
The American Contract Bridge / ^^^^^ L^gue ^CBL)/with /early/
^^!!K 170,000 members in Canada,
________Mexico, Bermuda, and the United
JBtt ggf its St^es, isth^main s^ctionir^body /
^ ^ ' ^ ' ' \6x orgamzed b-ndge it<Morth/
America. It sponsors more than 1,000 bridge tournaments a year and has more than 3,500 affiliated bridge clubs. / Grgfit, a coj;«ultant J» the A^ZBL, hay^ritten/fiore thprfi 20 bpf^ks on / bridge. Those most in demand are the five books which make up the ACBL Bridge Series —... Tovább


Audrey Grant and the Ameri-/ cprh Conti;Lict Brid^g^ League have 'I
i^^^H worked together to produce a se- i bridge books for new play-. errand e>^erienc^ play^ who /
Would like to review the basics and-^ improve their games.
^^^B Audrey Grant, a Canadian ed-/ , ^Kf ¦ upator an/l world/famous/bridge/
I y B teacher, calls herself "an authority
f T on simplicity." She has an uncan-
n)^nack for teaching pe^le to / rtfi/y^ P^y bridge, the most popular^
mM^^ZS game on the planet.
The American Contract Bridge / ^^^^^ L^gue ^CBL)/with /early/
^^!!K 170,000 members in Canada,
________Mexico, Bermuda, and the United
JBtt ggf its St^es, isth^main s^ctionir^body /
^ ^ ' ^ ' ' \6x orgamzed b-ndge it<Morth/
America. It sponsors more than 1,000 bridge tournaments a year and has more than 3,500 affiliated bridge clubs. / Grgfit, a coj;«ultant J» the A^ZBL, hay^ritten/fiore thprfi 20 bpf^ks on / bridge. Those most in demand are the five books which make up the ACBL Bridge Series — Bidding (Club Series), Ploy of the Hond (Diamond Series), Defens^(Heart Series),yComm^ly Used Conv^tions (0pade / "^Series); and M6re Com-inonly Used Conventions'[Notrunip Ser/es/. / Grant's passion is teaching. In this series of books, she makes it easy to barn the game of bridge and to improve the knowledge and skills of the /eader^udent/ler attitj^^e towpi^ bridg/is.wha/sets Gr^afit aparywhile/ many approacn the game with the grim seriousness of a brain surgeon, she approaches it with a sense of fun.
/ AC^and Audrey G^nt hav^also c^aborat^d on a^eries o^elevi- / /sion programs for PBS. Sridge df Sea wifh Audr/y Gran/is the fiffh show/ that has been offered to public broadcasting stations. Vissza



Audrey Grant

Audrey Grant műveinek az Antikvarium.hu-n kapható vagy előjegyezhető listáját itt tekintheti meg: Audrey Grant könyvek, művek
Megvásárolható példányok
Play of the Hand Play of the Hand Play of the Hand Play of the Hand Play of the Hand

A lapélek és több lap foltos.

Állapot: Közepes
9.800 Ft
7.840 ,-Ft 20
39 pont kapható